How This Weekend's Full Moon Will Affect Your Love Life, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

The full moon has a way of stirring things up in every aspect of life, but the upcoming February 2020 full moon, in particular, may impact your love life in a few surprising ways when it hits on February 9.
"The full moon holds a lot of intense energy, which can deeply stir emotions," Lisa Barretta, an astrologer and author of Conscious Ink, tells Bustle. And since this one is occurring in the sign of Leo, which is known for its playfulness, drama, bold emotions, and loyalty, you may find yourself instinctively going after your passions.
"People are more prone to take the lead under a Leo moon," Barretta says. Think along the lines of reaching out to someone who sparked your interest in the past, or taking a current relationship to the next level. Whatever you do, though, use this full moon as a time to assess how you feel about your love life, in general.
"You can look at [...] where you want to have more romance in your life, or how you can demonstrate more love to your partner," astrologer Clarisse Monahan, tells Bustle. "It can be a simple as wanting to be more verbal in your emotional dialog."
Full moons are a great time to set intentions, Monahan says, so whatever you decide to do may actually become a reality. Read on below for more information about how the February 2020 full moon will affect your love life, according to astrologers.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
This full moon will be falling your 5th house of romance, so expect to be feeling extra amorous, astrologer Clarisse Monahan, tells Bustle. But it won't be all light and fluffy. Venus, which represents love, and the comet Chiron, which can represent a deep wound, will be both close together in your sign, which intensifies their perspective energies.
"Having both these planets together and in your sign means you could well be releasing an old emotional hurt that has long been troubling you, especially in relation to matters of the heart," Monahan says. "Chiron can be a heavy energy sometimes but if you work on releasing any old patterns that are not serving you, it will pay off in dividends."
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
The February full moon will be falling in your 4th house of home and family, Monahan says, which will have you wanting to stay in and "nest," especially if you're in a relationship. "The moon transiting the 4th house is a very private time and the mood here is more of an introspective one in general," she says.
You'll also have the asteroid Vesta in your sign, which can represent the desire to build a sense of security and self-reliance. "It is a great time to clear out any blocks you may have in terms of your own inner worth," Monahan says. "Vesta energy is about redefining your mission and your truth and how you want to manifest that in a relationship. Once you illuminate any insecurities you may have, you pave the way for more solid foundations in the future."
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
The February 2020 full moon will be lighting up your 3rd house of learning, Monahan says. "This is a really great time for networking and connecting with new people," she says. If you aren't in a relationship, make sure you go out and about on this day.
This full moon may also shine light on where you'd like to expand a current relationship. "Are there new skills you want to learn? Perhaps you want to learn to trust more, or be more romantic? This is a time of upskilling," Monahan says.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
The full moon will happen in your 2nd house of money, which rules both inner and outer security, Monahan says. As a result, issues of "power" may come up in your relationship. You and your partner might not see eye-to-eye regarding your budgets, but let it lead to a deeper conversation.
"The good news is this full moon can help you gain more insight on the dance of intimacy," Monahan says. "Intimacy is all about the give and take. Have you been giving or taking too much?"
Take this time to talk about boundaries, she says, as this full moon will be a good time to get versed in them, as the 2nd house highlights where you may need to draw a line.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
This is the only full moon that will be in your sign during 2020, Monahan says, and it's falling in your 1st house of self. "In terms of love you might be putting ‘you’ in front of your significant other," she says. And that can be a good thing.
If you feel like your needs aren't being met, you have a right to speak up, but try to do so in a way that leads to a constructive conversation, in order to get the best results.
"There is an abundance of planets in fire signs on this day," she says, "so you will be truly at home in your element. However, with all that fire, be careful things don’t get too heated or too exaggerated." When bringing up relationship issues, make sure it remains a two-sided conversation.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
This will be an introspective time for you, Virgo, as the full moon will fall in your 12th house of the unconscious. "Whether single or coupled up, it's an excellent time to check in with yourself and contemplate what you need more and less of in general," Monahan says. "As the 12th House is ruled by dreamy Neptune, get creative and look at making some mood or vision boards about what you would like to see more of in your love life."
Also, be prepared for heightened emotions, as the 12th house is the water domain of Pisces, Monahan says. "The good thing is, when we have a personal planet like the moon transiting this house we often get sudden emotional and intuitive insights," she says. "If there is an answer you have been looking for in relation to love, it may well come to light this full moon."
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
The February 2020 full moon will light up Libra's 11th house, which focuses on hopes and wishes. As a result, you may feel as if your significant other is truly committed, Barretta says, and that may come as a relief if you haven't been too sure about the state of your relationship.
For single Libras, the full moon will be centered around partying. In true Leo style, you'll want to have fun and mix and mingle with interesting people.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Scorpio will feel February's 2020 full moon centered in their 10th house of status, Barretta says, which means you may have an opportunity to take an ongoing relationship to the next level.
Take this time to consider how things have been going thus far, and then have a heart-to-heart with your partner about commitment, including what you both want for the future.
Single Scorpios, don't be surprised if someone you've known forever — and secretly had your eye on — suddenly becomes a romantic interest, Barretta says. Use that take-charge Leo energy to reach out, and see how they feel about going on a date.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Sagittarius, you love having a deep, soulful connection with your love interests. And since the February full moon will be in your 9th house of spirituality, Barretta says, it can make this feeling even stronger.
You might look at your partner and realize how deeply connected you truly are, she says, almost as if you've known each other forever. It'll prompt discussions about your relationship, where you've been, and where you're going.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
This full moon will light up your sex life, Barretta says, since the focus will be on your 8th house, which has a way of stirring up deep emotions. "It promises merged energies and deep, intense feelings," she says.
If you're single, you'll find yourself accepting the "death" of a past relationship and finally feeling ready to move on. By letting go of old baggage, or even the hope that you might get back together with an ex, you'll open yourself up to the future, and the "rebirth of a love life," Barretta says.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Aquarius will feel the effects of the February 2020 full moon in their 7th house of partnerships, Barretta says, which could mean taking a deeper look at those close to you in life. There may be a strong realization that your partner is also a true friend, which will be very comforting to you.
If you don't currently have a partner, you might meet one through mutual friends. "There will be plenty of social opportunities that open the door to romance," Barretta says. Be on the lookout for a party invitation, or go to another gathering that will make it easier to chat with someone new.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
This full moon will have you wanting to break free from the drudgery of your usual routine so you can focus more on your love life. You might be inspired to talk to your partner about going on a weekend getaway, Barretta says, as a way to spice up your relationship.
If you aren't currently in a relationship, get ready to bump into a potential love interest in a surprising location, Barretta says, like at the gym, the farmer's market, or while sitting in a doctor's office. Embrace whatever comes your way, and you may end up meeting someone cool.
The full moon is a great time to welcome change, and an excellent time to assess how you feel about life in general. And during this full moon, your love life may be what gets the most attention, all thanks to the sign of Leo.
Correction: This piece was updated on Feb. 6, 2020, to reflect the correct house position of the full moon.