
April 29, 2024

November 2023

Let’s get down to business.

Haven’t you heard? Sexual wellness is chic now. In recent years, modern brands have been getting busy (sorry) making toys and personal care products you’d be proud to display on your nightstand. From lubes that look and feel like expensive skin care serums to vibrators that could double for knickknacks, the problem these days is that there are so many great sexual self-care products out there. (What a problem to have!)

For Bustle’s second annual Sexual Wellness Awards, we reached out to 15 of our favorite sexual health and wellness brands and asked them to submit their very best products. In return, we received about 60 submissions, which were tested by a team of BDG staffers. Our testers rated each one from 1 to 5 (with 5 being excellent); from there, we determined the winner for each category. The final results are the winners you’ll find here. As a bonus, we’re also including the runners-up — detailed descriptions and reviews of the other products our staffers loved.

Take a look at our faves, and we encourage you to try a few for yourself. It is cuffing season, after all.

— Team Bustle Wellness