
Everything You Need To Know About July’s Full Buck Moon

Growth is inevitable.

by Nina Kahn
The spiritual meaning of the July 2024 full moon
Image Source RF/Pete Saloutos/Image Source/Getty Images

Cancer season is the solar season that’s ruled by the moon, and this year, it both began and will wrap up on an empowering lunar note. That’s thanks to two back-to-back full moons in Capricorn, the second of which is taking place on July 21 — the last full day of Cancer season. Also referred to as the Buck Moon, July’s full moon is lighting up the skies in the opposing sign of Capricorn, giving all zodiac signs an additional opportunity to build upon their summer goals. Full moons are always a powerful time to get in touch with your emotions and push your projects to the next level, but knowing the specific spiritual meaning of July’s full moon is a must.

Full moons are the zenith point of each month’s lunar cycle, as they occur when the sun and moon are opposite one another in the zodiac, allowing the sun to light up the face of the moon. Symbolically, they have an equally illuminating energy, allowing feelings to surface and sometimes even bringing tensions to a boiling point. That’s why full moons can be so emotional! This climactic vibe is also useful for taking projects or manifestations to their next step or culmination, and July’s upcoming lunation is a great opportunity for all of the above.

Taking place in pragmatic and down-to-business Capricorn, the spiritual meaning of the Buck Moon wants you to dig deep, buckle down, and put in the work that’s necessary for your growth.

What’s The Spiritual Meaning Of July’s Buck Moon?

The Buck Moon is a traditional indigenous nickname given to the full moon that takes place in July, and it’s named as such because male deer antlers typically reach the peak of their growth cycles during this period of the summer. According to Farmer’s Almanac, it’s also historically known as the Ripe Corn Moon, Blueberry Moon, or the “Time Of Much Ripening” — all of which refer to the natural abundance and rapid growth taking place during this lush time of year. Spiritually, the fullness, regality, and proliferation of the buck’s midsummer antlers could be considered a metaphor for harnessing your full potential and picking up momentum toward whatever you’re trying to grow toward.

This is certainly the case with the full moon on July 21, as it’s rising in disciplined and industrious Capricorn. This earth sign knows how to take initiative and make tangible progress on things, so the spiritual meaning of July’s full moon is about pouring your whole heart into your goals and pursuing your plans with zeal. The moon is joining forces with transformation Pluto, plunging you into the depths of your psyche to unearth your deepest desires and tap into a well of power you may not have known you had. A lucky lunar trine to both go-getter Mars and shock artist Uranus brings big motivation as well as some thrillingly unexpected opportunities, while a friendly sextile to dreamy Neptune lights up your imagination with creativity.

How To Work With The Full Buck Moon Energy

The moon is making some strong connections to a slew of other planets, and these powerful aspects are swirling together to create a potent playing field for leveling yourself up. Thanks to Capricorn’s ambitious energy, this is a good time to more seriously dedicate yourself to your professional development, take charge of your career trajectory, or challenge yourself to step up your leadership skills. Imposter syndrome is real, but now’s a time to throw a little bit of caution to the wind and force yourself to evolve into a greater sense of authority. Growth is inevitable, so embrace the process and make it work for you instead of resisting it.

This is also a fabulous time to think back to whatever you were focusing on under last month’s full Strawberry Moon. Did you set any intentions? Were there any particular themes that seemed to dominate or new situations that came into your life? That full moon took place in the early degrees of Capricorn, while this one takes place at the last degree of the sign — so projects are culminating now and you can make some serious progress on whatever was put in motion a month ago.