
Here's How Each Zodiac Sign Deals With Friend Drama, According To An Astrologer

Some step into the line of fire while others turn their phone on silent.

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How each zodiac sign deals with friend drama, according to an astrologer.
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Each zodiac sign has a different reaction to friend drama, and it doesn’t matter if it’s unfolding in a group chat or real life. There are the folks who step in to play the role of therapist, the ones who silently watch from the sidelines, the friends who leave to protect their peace — and then, of course, the ones who immediately grab popcorn and watch it all go down.

According to astrologer Solaris the Hii Priestess, the way someone reacts to friend drama can be attributed to various factors including their ruling element, planetary influences, and the personality traits associated with their zodiac sign. “For instance, fire signs like Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius tend to be more passionate and impulsive in their reactions to drama,” she tells Bustle. Hint: They’re the ones who always have to get involved.

If drama goes down at a party, you can bet the air signs will also step in to mediate. They’re the ones who know exactly what to say to set things right. Meanwhile, if the group chat is blowing up with drama, you can bet money the water signs have already silenced their phones. When emotions run high, they tend to back away until the coast is clear. Through it all, you can catch earth signs rolling their eyes — or hiding with the water signs.

Below, an astrologer explains how each zodiac sign deals with friend drama.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

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When the vibes are off in your friend group, you can’t help but call it out. As a fire sign, you’re assertive and direct when it comes to expressing your opinions and feelings, Solaris says, and that means you aren’t afraid to address problems head-on.

Instead of waiting around to see what happens, you take matters into your own hands and start asking questions and doling out advice. Sometimes things work out and you save the day. Other times, you end up escalating the situation — and before you know it the drama is worse.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

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As an earth sign who values stability above everything else, you’re the type to slowly back away the moment you detect drama. Once it blows over, you’ll suddenly reappear.

On a good day, you might dip your toe in and try to mediate a misunderstanding, Solaris says. But if the conflict starts to feel overwhelming, you’ll go silent and do whatever you can to protect your peace. If anyone wonders where you went, you’re definitely at home living your best drama-free life on the couch.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

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As a sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, you always know just what to say when the girlies are upset. According to Solaris, Geminis are the best at diffusing drama in a fun, sociable way. With one sentence, you’ll have everyone laughing and forgetting what went wrong.

That said, as an air sign, you do kind of live for drama and gossip. If anyone’s going to secretly enjoy a spicy group chat, it’s you. You’ll want to know all the details of who said what and who’s mad at whom — and you’ll keep talking about it for weeks.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

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As a water sign, you slip away at the first sign of trouble. “Cancer is highly sensitive and empathetic,” Solaris says, which is why any type of conflict makes you deeply uncomfortable.

To protect your emotions, you’ll silence a group chat or skip a get-together, especially if someone says something that rubbed you the wrong way. To you, the drama just isn’t worth it.

If you detect something’s off with a close friend, however, you will reach out and try to fix things. According to Solaris, Cancer is famous for resolving conflict with compassion and empathy.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

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As a fire sign, you get swept up in drama like no other. According to Solaris, Leos have a big personality and tend to be extra expressive when it comes to hearing juicy gossip. You’ll want all the details ASAP — mostly so you can take sides.

Because you’re so passionate and confident, you’re also the person everyone turns to when they need support. You don’t hesitate to say the tough thing or call someone out, so they know you’ll always have their back.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

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As an earth sign, Virgo is known for being practical and level-headed, Solaris says. You approach friendship drama with a logical mindset and you look for practical solutions. Should you and a friend meet up to talk in person? Is everyone mad because they need a snack? As the therapist of the friend group, you always know exactly what needs to happen to set things right.

That said, you only have so much patience for chaos. If the drama gets to be too much, you won’t hesitate to go home and take a break.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

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Libra is definitely the mediator of the zodiac. According to Solaris, you seek balance and fairness in all of your relationships. When drama rears its ugly head, the first thing you think to do is organize a get-together so everyone can speak their mind and work things out. As an air sign represented by the scales, you won’t rest until order is restored.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22)

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Scorpio, you never know quite how to act during dramatic situations. On the one hand, you will stand up for yourself and your friends, often with a perfectly-crafted comeback. According to Solaris, you value loyalty above all else, so you tend to feel reactive and defensive.

On the other hand, if the drama is too intense, your water sign energy will kick in and you’ll feel the need to get away. You’ll leave the drama and seek out refuge in a more relaxing space.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

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As a fire sign, Sagittarius is incredibly straightforward when it comes to handling drama. You have no problem being blunt or pointing out miscommunications, though you do try to temper it with a hint of humor.

If you need to talk to a friend about an issue, you’ll invite them out for coffee, look them in the eye, and say your piece. According to Solaris, people turn to you for your honest opinions because they know you tell it like it is, so don’t be surprised if you get called in as the mediator.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

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“Capricorn is practical and dislikes conflict,” Solaris says. As an earth sign, you have zero time for arguments, ghosting, or any other shenanigans. If a situation strikes you as dramatic or childish, you’ll roll your eyes, put your phone down, and get back to whatever it was you were doing.

Nine times out of ten, you’ll watch drama unfold with an incredulous stare. The tenth time, however, is when you’ll step in and say the exact thing everyone needs to hear in order to chill out. As one of the older souls of the zodiac, you tend to have lots of calm, decisive energy.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

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As an air sign, “Aquarius values open communication and fairness,” Solaris says. It’s why you approach friendship drama with a logical mindset and plenty of peaceful solutions. You’ll take a friend’s phone, craft the perfect response to resolve an argument — and you’ll even hit send. According to Solaris, you’re happy to play the role of mediator for others, and you try to handle everything from an unbiased perspective.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

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Pisces, the way you react to friend drama hinges on how big the problem is. If it’s just a little conflict, you’ll gladly step in with compassion and care to help out and offer advice. If things are messy, though, you won’t hesitate to run for the hills.

As a water sign, conflict makes you deeply uncomfortable, Solaris says. You want everyone to be happy and harmonious. If things get too salty in the group chat, you’ll quickly put your phone down and take a break.


Solaris the Hii Priestess, astrologer

This article was originally published on