There Are 3 Mercury Retrogrades This Year. Here's How To Prepare.
Plan accordingly.

It’s a new year, which means a new set of retrogrades is swooping in to shake up some stagnant energy. Of course, the most notorious of all the planetary backspins involves Mercury — the cosmic ruler of communication, timing, tech devices, and other logistical matters that can heavily impact everyday living. Almost every major planet retrogrades at times, but it can be especially dizzying when Mercury reverses course, so knowing the vibes of each 2025 Mercury retrograde period is a must.
As the planet of mental matters and logistics as well as the closest celestial body to the sun, fleet-footed Mercury has a big influence on all the little details of your days. Whether it’s emailing your colleagues, texting with your friends, planning out your schedule, or simply getting from place to place on time, this planet and its cosmic activity can have some serious pull. That’s part of why its retrograde periods are so infamously headache-inducing.
While most planets only backpedal once a year or less, Mercury retrogrades about three times per year, for a few weeks at a time — yet another reason why these backspins have a heavier reputation for stirring up day-to-day chaos than most. When Mercury retrogrades, it can cause all sorts of disruptions, mix-ups, and delays in the areas it rules. Think of miscommunications, missed appointments, tech fumbles, unexpected traffic jams, and more.
Anytime Mercury retrogrades, the Mercury-specific themes in people’s lives will be affected — but each backspin has its own flavor based on what zodiac signs it's retrograding through and what kind of cosmic drama it's getting into. In 2025, Mercury will retrace its steps through each of the three passion-driven fire signs, making impulsivity and impatience an added struggle during these wonky retrograde-tinged times. During two of its three upcoming retrogrades, this chatty planet will also moonwalk into a couple of the sensitive water signs, pulling emotions into the retrograde mix, too.
The effects of Mercury retrograde can be annoying and occasionally cause a minor ruckus, but ultimately they’re here to challenge you to slow your roll and reflect on your current trajectory. If you’re in the know about the Mercury retrogrades in 2025, it’ll be easier to work with these cosmic U-turns rather than swim against their current.
Spring Mercury Retrograde: March 14 – April 7
Brace yourself, because Mercury retrograde is back! The first Mercurial backspin of the year will light up the signs of Aries and Pisces — the first and last signs of the zodiac —and it officially kicks off on March 14 PT/15 ET. Aries is a hot-headed fire sign, so you may find that exerting patience amidst the retrograde-fueled delays is especially difficult during the first couple weeks of the backspin. Do your best to think before you speak and not let your impulses get the better of you during this miscommunication-riddled period.
On March 29, Mercury will trudge back into whimsical and watery Pisces — a sign where this logical-minded planet struggles to process information clearly and linearly. Communication and logistics can get especially hazy during this last stretch of the retrograde, so if possible, it’s best to put off having any overly emotional conversations or signing serious contracts until Mercury stations direct on April 7.
Summer Mercury Retrograde: July 18 – Aug. 11
Summertime is being served with a side of chaos this year thanks to Mercury retrograde in feisty Leo, which kicks off on July 18 and lasts through Aug. 11. This backspin takes place entirely within this confident and charismatic fire sign’s realm, so don’t let your pride get in the way of admitting if a retrograde misstep of yours has made a mess of something. Being humble is helpful when the messenger planet is moving backward, so take responsibility for your words and actions, even if they don’t play out the way you intended.
Because Leo zodiac energy rules creative expression and the heart, you may find yourself revisiting passion projects from your past or even rekindling the flame of a former romance. Summoning up a clear plan to launch an entirely new creative endeavor may prove difficult, but seeing old ideas in a new light can be the perfect way to use this retrograde vibe. If you have a summer trip planned, leave some padding in your itinerary to account for timing snags or unexpected mix-ups.
Fall Mercury Retrograde: Nov. 9 – 29
Guess who’s home for the holidays? The last Mercury retrograde period of 2025 will backspin through the signs of Sagittarius and Scorpio, and it’ll start its moonwalk on Nov. 9. Thorough and detail-obsessed Mercury sometimes struggles to maintain its focus in free-spirited Sagittarius, so during the first half of this retrograde, it’ll be all too easy to stumble into a retrograde snafu. Dotting your I’s and crossing your T’s is tough to do when you’re caught up solely in big-picture ideas, so balance out that Sagittarian spontaneity by forcing yourself to double-check the details.
On Nov. 18, Mercury will dip back into strategic and secretive Scorpio, where it may potentially reveal some clandestine information about a situation from your past. Keep your ear to the ground! If some personal mysteries have haunted you, now’s a good time to dig into the details with fresh eyes and see what you might discover. Thanksgiving arrives during the last days of this retrograde, so take extra care when making travel plans and be conscientious about your words to avoid drama at the dinner table.