50 Flirty Truth Or Dare Questions To Text Your Crush
#7 gets pretty juicy.

The thought of “playing games” when it comes to dating usually has a negative connotation. Pretending to be busy when you’re not, breadcrumbing, and sending mixed signals are not ideal for creating a lasting, happy relationship. Playing actual games with your crush, however, can be a lot of fun.
A classic game of “truth or dare” could be the perfect icebreaker, says licensed professional counselor and certified sexologist Carlos Cavazos. “Nothing bonds couples more than laughter,” she previously told Bustle. Not to mention, you can sneak in some saucy truths or some sultry dares to take things to the next level.
Truth or dare can also prevent a conversation from going stale, which is, of course, one of the worst fates of the early talking stage of a relationship. It’s common to run out of things to talk about over text, especially if you’ve yet to go on an actual date. Think of this game as a way to get closer while assessing your interest.
Of course, it’s super fun for more established couples, too. If you’re a few weeks into dating, you can play this one night and see where it leads. You can also send the juicier ones to a long-term partner to spice things up a little.
Initiating this flirtatious game over text is easier than it sounds, and there are plenty of ways to get creative with it. To start, here are 50 flirty truth or dare questions to send. Have fun.
1Truth: What are your favorite physical features of mine?
Anyone can appreciate a mix of flirty and meaningful compliments, so consider returning the favor.
2Dare: I dare you to remove an item of clothing right now, any item, and take a picture for proof.
It could be as simple as taking off a shoe at their desk, but this dare can get as creative — or steamy — as you make it.
3Truth: What was the most awkward moment you’ve ever had on a date?
Everyone has a good embarrassing date story or two to share, so go ahead and bond with your crush over the mutual cringe.
4Dare: I dare you to send me the last note you wrote on your notes app.
It could be scandalous, embarrassing, or funny... there’s only one way to find out.
5Truth: Who was your very first crush, and why?
Don’t be surprised if it is an animated character. It’s undeniable that Prince Eric was a 10.
6Dare: I dare you to DM your celebrity crush.
Demand a screenshot as proof.
7Truth: What was the first thing you ever said to your friends about me?
You might get a sweet answer, or they might admit they were obsessed with your butt.
8Dare: I dare you to soft-launch our relationship on Instagram.
Asking them to do it as a prank will be your cover, even though you’re really wondering if they’ll go through with it, and what it all means.
9Truth: When was your first kiss, and how would you rate it on a scale from 1-10?
The story will likely be embarrassing.
10Dare: I dare you to send me a screenshot of the last five things you bought on Amazon.
This can be very funny, very telling, or prove that you’re both just boring adults who always forget to buy toilet paper until the very last minute.
11Truth: What’s the most cheesy pet name you’ve ever used in a relationship?
Don’t let them just say “babe” — there was definitely something better than that, like Pookie.
12Dare: I dare you to Facetime me and confess something.
Bonus points that you’ll get you looking into each other’s eyes.
13Truth: If you had to pick only being little spoon or big spoon for the rest of your life when cuddling, what would you pick?
If you’re unwilling to accommodate their preference of spoon size, this is a question you need to know the answer to. But if nothing else, it’ll get them thinking about being in bed with you.
14Dare: I dare you to text someone in your family “How do you get rid of a hickey?”
Hopefully their mom has a good sense of humor.
15Truth: What’s the one place you’ve always wanted to hook up?
Depending on how public or safe it is, you both might just be able to make it happen.
16Dare: I dare you to smile and wave at a complete stranger near you and say, “Hey! It’s great to see you!”
Bonus points if your partner does this while on FaceTime or a phone call with you so you can enjoy the secondhand embarrassment.
17Truth: What was the worst rejection you’ve ever experienced in dating?
Just be sure to make them feel a little better by sharing yours, too.
18Dare: I dare you to send me the last screenshot you took on your phone.
Things could get really juicy with this one, so be prepared for the tea.
19Truth: If you could take a whole day off work to spend with me, what would you want to do?
They might respond with something wholesome and fun or flirty, but either way, it’ll be revealing.
20Dare: Draw my name somewhere on your body with a Sharpie — and it has to be visible.
You can even up the ante by requiring them to wear it for 24 hours.
21Truth: What’s a fantasy you’ve had that you want to try with me?
Next thing you know, you might be “grocery shopping” for strawberries and whipped cream.
22Dare: I dare you to recreate our first kiss on your hand and send me a video of it.
If there was a lot of tongue action involved, this could be a very entertaining dare.
23What is the most romantic thing that anyone has ever done for you?
Take note of this one — it just might give you more insight into their love language.
24Dare: I dare you to wear your shirt inside out all day, and act confused if anyone mentions it.
The debrief about this once they get off work is definitely going to be hilarious.
25Truth: What’s the most embarrassing thing I would find in your bedroom if I looked through it?
This will tell you if they’re more of a nerdy figurine person or if they still keep their childhood emotional support blanket around.
26Dare: I dare you to order the first recommended item under $10 on your Amazon account and send it to me.
Knowing the Amazon algorithm, you might be in for a really odd gift.
27Truth: What was your biggest fear as a kid, and are you still scared of it now?
Just let them know that it’s still OK to be afraid of clowns. They are scary.
28Dare: I dare you to get on the ground right now and do 10 push-ups.
Even if it’s at their desk, they should thank you for the free mini-workout.
29Truth: Have you ever had a spicy dream about me? If so, what happened?
Brace for the gritty details.
30Dare: I dare you to write a love haiku and set it as your Instagram story.
The confused comments they’ll get from friends will totally keep you entertained all day.
31Truth: What’s something romantic you want me to do for you?
Let them wax poetic about their best dates ideas.
32Dare: Tell me your dirtiest joke.
Hey, might as well see if you have the same sense of humor.
33Truth: Be honest. How far back have you scrolled on my Instagram?
They picked truth so they have to answer.
34Dare: Film me a 30-second ASMR video.
The possibilities are endless.
35Truth: What was your first impression of me?
This will help you gauge how they feel.
36Dare: Send me a voice message using your hottest voice.
This could be so funny — or surprisingly hot.
37Truth: What’s your favorite thing about my personality?
The more you can get them thinking about you, the better.
38Dare: Make up a rap for me and sing it into a voice message. Go!
Set it as your ringtone.
39Truth: What’s your favorite way to kiss?
This is for research purposes.
40Dare: Reenact how you like to kiss on FaceTime.
This is the perfect follow-up.
41Truth: When was the last time you were rejected?
This could reveal so much.
42Dare: Send me a text to decipher using only emojis.
Send one back that’s riddled with innuendo.
43Truth: What do you look for in a partner?
Here’s hoping what you’re looking for matches up.
44Dare: Tell me your best pickup line.
Will they go cheesy and cliché? Or will they have some rizz?
45Truth: What’s your biggest ick in relationships?
Nothing will help you bond quite like a shared ick.
46Dare: Write me a poem in five minutes.
Then analyze it for days with your friends.
47Truth: How many times a day do you think about me?
If they say never, follow up with, “ok, we’re going to have to change that ;)”
48Dare: Screenshot your most recent browsing history and send it to me.
What a way to get to know someone, am I right?
49 Truth: Have you ever been in love?
This could spark quite the convo.
50Dare: I dare you to ask me out on a date.
If you’ve been going back and forth for a while, and it seems like your texts are pretty flirty and fun, throw this one in and see how it goes. Sometimes a little boldness pays off.
This article was originally published on