
3 Manifestation Rituals For June’s Full Strawberry Moon

Kick off the summer with some big moon magic.

by Nina Kahn
Asian woman luxuriates in the bathtub and closes her eyes, utterly immersed in the soothing melodies...
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On the evening of June 21, a very special lunation is rising in the skies, and it’s inviting all zodiac signs to connect with their glitziest goals and get on a good grind. June’s full moon is also known as the Strawberry Moon, and this year, it’s peaking one day after the summer solstice — infusing the lunar moment with all the juicy abundance and magic of this seasonal shift. This is a prime time to set some summer intentions and check in with your 2024 goals as the year’s halfway point approaches. Manifesting under the June full moon is a must.

The summer solstice kicks off Cancer season, but June’s Strawberry Moon is rising across the zodiac in focused and disciplined Capricorn. As one of the initiative-taking cardinal signs, this is a powerful astrological force to work with when it comes to material manifestations — especially related to your financial goals, professional endeavors, and practical long-term plans.

This year, Cancer season is being bookended by two full moons in Capricorn, which is a rare and special treat given that there’s generally only one full moon during each zodiac sign’s solar reign. This month’s Capricorn-ruled Strawberry Moon peaks on the first full day of Cancer season, while July’s full moon in Capricorn hits at the tail end, just before the sun enters Leo. This is important to note for manifestation purposes, as it gives everyone not one but two lunar opportunities to align with Capricorn’s driven and goal-oriented energy. Take advantage of both to jump-start your goals for the year's second half.

What better way to kick off the summer than with some lunar magic? Here are a few manifestation ideas for June’s full Strawberry Moon.

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Do A Mid-Year Path Clearing Ritual

If you want to manifest new things in your life, you’ve got to make sure you have adequate space to do so. And because June’s full moon is ushering in the second half of the year, it’s the perfect time to clear away the energetic clutter that may be keeping you from reaching your 2024 goals. For this path-clearing manifestation ritual, you’ll need a white candle, a black candle, and a journal.

Start by taking time to connect with your intentions for the latter half of the year and visualize what it will look and feel like to embody that reality. Write down a list of what you’d like to have accomplished six months from now. Then make a list of all the things currently standing in the way of where you are now and where you’d like to end up. That could be a job you dislike, a mentally draining situation at home, or even a tendency to doubt yourself.

Once you’ve made the list, light the black candle, which symbolizes protection and the banishment of any obstacles holding you back from success. Then light the white candle, which symbolizes the light that’ll clear the path ahead of you. These colors are also associated with the signs of Capricorn and Cancer, respectively, so it’s a good way to honor the zodiacal placements of the moon and sun during this mystical lunar moment.

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Build An Abundance Altar

Capricorn is an earth sign, and it’s often associated with matters of money and material success. Channel this rich witch energy by putting together a simple abundance altar in your home. Clear a small space on a shelf, side table, or even atop a box, and place a few items that symbolize wealth, success, and abundance to you. This could be a jar full of coins and cash, a valuable heirloom, or a vision board of all the luxurious items or vacation spots on your wish list. Adding some abundance-attracting crystals like pyrite or green aventurine is even better.

On the night of the full moon, light a green candle on your altar and/or some frankincense or sandalwood-scented incense (both of which are associated with prosperity). Write down some mantras relating to money and abundance — such as “I am a magnet for wealth,” or “I welcome abundance in all forms” — and place it front and center on your altar. Since this is the Strawberry Moon, set out some fresh strawberries as an offering to whatever mystical forces you choose to connect with, or simply as a symbol of the sweet taste of success you’re inviting into your life.

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Watch The Moonrise

Because the summer solstice hits on June 20 — the day before the full moon — this week brings the latest sunsets of the year in the northern hemisphere, as the sun is hitting its annual zenith in the sky and providing extra daylight. And since full moons always occur when the sun and moon are exactly opposite one another, this means when June’s full moon peaks on the night of June 21, it’ll be unusually low in the sky. This creates a phenomenon known as the “moon illusion,” in which the moon appears much larger than normal. It’ll also appear a gorgeous shade of amber instead of white, guaranteeing a gorgeous celestial sight.

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The rare astronomical conditions surrounding this full moon combined with its proximity to the summer solstice set the stage for a magical lunar show, so take advantage of the later sunset and magical moonrise by spending the evening outdoors. Check out what time the moon is rising in your area and then intentionally connect with this lunation in both a visual and spiritual way. Whether you gather with friends in the backyard for witchy Friday night fun or spend some solo time under the moonlight with your journal and tea, you won’t want to miss the opportunity to bask in the magic of the solstice Strawberry Moon. Psst: Don’t forget to charge your crystals!

Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.