Get ready for an exciting and buzzy new beginning, as the January new moon is swooping in to round out the first month of the year and give all zodiac signs a much-needed emotional reset. This is the first new moon of the year, so it’s especially important for manifesting your most magical intentions for 2025 — and knowing what to do and not do during this meaningful lunation is a must.
Rising in the rule-breaking and rebellious sign of Aquarius, this new moon should inspire everyone to break out of their usual ways of thinking and embrace a much more expansive view of their goals. This fixed air sign is all about being innovative and pushing back against the status quo, so with the sun and moon banded together here, now’s a time to step away from other people’s expectations in favor of following your path — even if that route doesn’t align with what’s considered “normal” by society at large.
It’s not easy to stand out from the crowd and honor your authentic brand of weirdness when everyone else seems to be doing something different, but you’ll be rewarded by staying true to yourself during this lunation. That’s because the new moon is making a powerfully fortunate trine aspect to the abundant planet Jupiter, which is known as the zodiac’s “greater benefic” and the cosmic bringer of good luck.
This new moon gives you another boost of motivation to lock in and make strides toward your freshest goals.
This go-big-or-go-home vibe infuses this cosmic event with auspiciousness and opportunity, so embrace the free-thinking Aquarius zodiac energy with your whole heart. Following other people’s lead isn’t going to get you where you want to go right now, so trust your inner trendsetter and take the road less traveled. It’s your life, so there’s no reason to play by anyone else’s rules.
The Aquarian lunation rising on Jan. 29 is symbolic and meaningful for many reasons, so getting a handle on the do’s and don’ts of this new moon can help you make the most of its energy. Here’s what to focus on.
DO: Plant Seeds For The Year Ahead
New moons are almost always considered a powerful time for manifestation, but this one happens to be the first new moon of the calendar year — making it an especially meaningful moment when it comes to planting seeds that you can sow throughout the twelve months that lie ahead. This particular lunation also marks the date of the Lunar New Year, which in Chinese astrology heralds the Year of the Snake. Even if you’ve already set some New Year’s resolutions, this new moon gives you another boost of motivation to lock in and make strides toward your freshest goals.
DON’T: Limit Yourself
Jupiter is the planet of abundance, and its boundlessly optimistic energy wants you to take up as much space as you need to shine. The new moon combined with Aquarius season’s chain-breaking vibe makes it imperative to push past your limitations and go for the gold. Don’t limit yourself or lower your expectations simply because you don’t want to ask for too much. Now’s a time to shoot for the moon and stars, because Jupiter’s lucky Midas touch is on your side.
DO: Connect With The Collective
As an objective and free-thinking air sign, Aquarius energy is really helpful when it comes to stepping back from your own experiences to tap into the needs of the collective — whether that’s your core social group, your extended network, or society at large. With that in mind, this lunation can be the perfect time to get involved with some community-centric events or start some humanitarian work, like volunteering. Creating your dream future doesn’t exist in a vacuum, so connecting with your fellow humans and trying to make the world a better place will likely benefit you personally, too.
DON’T: Try To Fit In With What’s “Normal”
Aquarius zodiac energy is rebellious and counterculture, and with a slew of planets banded together here during this Aquarius season new moon, now’s your chance to honor your most unconventional wishes and hopes for the future without worrying about what anyone else thinks. There’s no official rulebook to life, so stop pandering to other people’s expectations of what’s appropriate or best. Your views, goals, and tastes are unique, and that’s what makes you you. Don’t sacrifice an ounce of your authenticity to keep up with the Joneses — especially not during a lunation with such potent manifesting power.
DO: Leave Space For The Unexpected
Aquarius zodiac energy is always cutting-edge and down to push back against what’s expected of them. And under this new moon, expecting the unexpected is key, as value-oriented Venus will be vibing with wild-child planet Uranus — aka Aquarius’ modern ruling planet. This alignment infuses relationships with an unpredictable sense of excitement, bringing heartfelt revelations and surprises. Stay open to change, as the wild-card element of this cosmic alignment could very well help shake you out of your old paradigms and embrace this new beginning.
DON’T: Shy Away From Intense Truths
The sun and moon have joined forces in Aquarius during this lunation, but they’re not alone in this fixed air sign’s realm. Mental planet Mercury and strategic Pluto will be conjunct in Aquarius too, and this powerful alignment will give your words and ideas an intense and incisive edge as the new moon peaks. With that in mind, it’s important to honor whatever truths come to the surface now, even if they’re difficult to accept. Pluto is all about transformation, so diving straight into the heart of things will result in exponential growth and up-leveling if you’re willing to go there.