3 Manifestation Rituals To Try During July’s Full Buck Moon
Serious transformations are coming.
This month’s full moon is coming up on Sunday, July 21, and it’s bringing all zodiac signs a special opportunity to manifest some material magic. Traditionally called the Buck Moon, July’s big lunation is also an astrological blue moon — as it’s the second full moon to hit during Cancer season. This whole full moon weekend is the perfect time to work some lunar spells or manifestation rituals, as the current cosmic energy is as motivating as it is mystical.
Just like last month’s full moon, July’s lucky blue moon is taking place in the cardinal earth sign Capricorn. The hardworking vibe of this zodiac sign makes it especially masterful at material manifestations or professional pursuits, as Capricorn is associated with matters of career, money, ambitions, and authority. When it comes to honoring the full moon with a ritual or some intention-setting, focusing on these areas of your life can be especially fruitful.
You might find that you’re extra eager to push forward on your plans right now, and that’s thanks to an energizing connection the moon is making to motivating planet Mars, as well as a deep and transformative alignment with power-hungry Pluto. The strong urge to make headway on your goals is also being amplified by the fact that the moon is hitting at exactly 29º Capricorn — the very last degree of the sign before it crosses over into Aquarius territory. Having the full moon peak at this sensitive point can bring about a restless energy, but one that can be channeled into an immense amount of productivity, too.
This Capricorn-ruled lunation reminds you that good things often require diligence, patience, and determination, so put your whole heart into your manifestations and focus on creating sustainable shifts in the long term. Here are a few manifestation ideas for July’s full moon to help you work some magic.
Do Some Mirror Work
Intense and mysterious Pluto is the planet of transformation, and the full moon will be in a tight conjunction with this cosmic underworld-dweller by the time it peaks. This makes it a fabulous lunation for doing some deep self-reflection and working through whatever fears, insecurities, or shame might be blocking you from pursuing your most ambitious goals. One great way to do this is through a mirror manifestation ritual. All you need is a few confidence-boosting affirmations and a mirror. If you’d like to set the mood by lighting a candle or some incense, go for it.
On the night of the full moon, sit comfortably in front of your mirror and look at your reflection. Acknowledge when a critical or judgmental thought pops into your head, but then dismiss it — you’re working to let go of self-doubt and imposter syndrome. When you’re ready, repeat some of your favorite affirmations aloud in the mirror as you gaze into your own eyes, and say each of them at least three times — or until you feel like you believe it.
Work With Crystals
One of the things that makes this lunation so powerful is the fact that it’s the second consecutive Capricorn full moon to light up the skies this summer. And because Capricorn is an earth sign, working with the magic of grounding natural tools like crystals is a great way to connect with the energy. If you can, use crystals that pair well with Capricorn energy, like aragonite or onyx, or some lucky crystals for abundance, like pyrite or green jade.
There are lots of ways to use crystals in your full moon manifestations, so go with whatever feels right. You can program or “charge” your crystal with a specific intention, which will be made even more powerful by the full moon. You can also try a crystal meditation for manifestation to help you dive deep within yourself and get in tune with your true desires.
Try An Embodiment Manifestation
The full moon is vibing out with motivating Mars and surprise-filled Uranus, reminding you that anything is possible if you put your mind to it — and an embodiment ritual is the perfect way to harness that energy for manifestation. Think about the job you want, the item you’re saving up for, or the life you want to have in general. Then think about the version of you that would be living that life or possessing the things that you currently desire.
What’s different about that imaginary you? Are they more sure of themselves? Less anxious? Do they speak with more authority? Do they feel more free to try new things? Try to fully conceptualize that alternative version of yourself and identify the main shifts between that person and your current self. Write down everything you can think of that would change within you if you achieved these goals and acquired the things you’re working toward.
Congrats: You now have a list of exactly the qualities you’re going to start embodying! Under the full moon, make a promise to yourself to try to step into this new version of yourself by embracing these qualities and pretending you are already that person you envisioned. You have to fake it ‘til you make it, and you might find that you start feeling more comfortable in these new skins, and attracting things on a different vibration because of it.