Your Daily Pull
Your Daily Tarot Card For Wednesday, February 5
Literally the perfect card to get before Valentine’s Day.

Today’s tarot card is The Lovers. It’s a cute one to see the week before Valentine’s Day, especially since it implies you’ll soon be falling in l-o-v-e love, but it’s also one that could leave you feeling (even more) confused about a situationship.
That’s because this major arcana card represents love, romance, and strong bonds — basically all things heart-shaped — but it also points to the choices you might have to make within that realm. In a tarot reading, it suggests it’s time to drop that person who’s been breadcrumbing you for — *checks calendar* — five months?
If your heart just went “thud” then you already know who this card is referring to. Today could be the day you officially decide you’d rather be with someone who’s a little more committed. But it’s also OK if you’re secretly loving the push and pull of a fun, flirty situationship that comes and goes in your life. That’s 100% your prerogative.
The Lovers card hints at this duality and the choices you have to make, and that’s true even if you aren’t in a relationship. If you’ve been puzzling for ages over a tough choice, free yourself from that burden by officially making a decision today. Pro tip? Focus on what’s best for you — regardless of what anyone else says.
The Lovers also suggest today will be full of beautiful opportunities for connection. You might feel extra in love with your partner or suddenly brave enough to reach out to a crush, but this card also points to platonic love. You’ll feel inspired to text your mom, FaceTime your long-distance friend, and spread positive energy as you bop around town.
If you typically hold back in the mushy-gushy department, don’t be embarrassed about showing this side of yourself today. The people on this card are in the buff, which suggests it’s not only OK but completely encouraged to be more vulnerable.
Let the card’s energy inspire deeper conversations, professions of love, cute texts, and maybe even a spicy date night. If you’re feeling particularly brazen, you could even invite your crush out for Valentine’s Day.
If you still have energy leftover this evening, it might also feel right to spend some time by yourself. The Lovers is very relationship-oriented, but it’s also about tapping into how you’re feeling. Take a moment today to find balance and harmony.