
Here's Your Horoscope For March 14, 2022

Fill up your cup.

by Mecca Woods
A tattooed woman rides a stationary bike. Here's your daily horoscope for March 14, 2022.
Justin Paget/DigitalVision/Getty Images

Bustle's resident astrologer Mecca Woods, founder of My Life Created, shares every zodiac sign's daily horoscope for March 14.

The moon is in Leo today. Whenever the moon camps out in this warmhearted sign, we’re focused largely on our own needs and looking to have a good time. However, with la luna making a tough opposition to values-driven Venus, which is currently in group-oriented Aquarius, we might have some difficulty in achieving the feel-good vibes we’re looking for. The best way to handle this planetary aspect is by finding a happy balance between showing up for ourselves and showing up for others.

Come the afternoon, the Leo moon teams up with wounded Chiron in Aries, which encourages us to stand in fully in our authenticity. Doing so may be helpful in drawing appropriate boundaries or allowing someone into our heart.

When the moon in Leo squares off with innovative and unstable Uranus in Taurus later in the afternoon, our creative inspiration increases, but so might the unnecessary drama. We can best harness this cosmic combination by being mindful of our ego and channeling our energy into more fun or lighthearted things. Being willing to try something new or go with the flow can also help.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21-April 19)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

In what way can you afford to be more thoughtful or giving today? Try not to go overboard in being uncompromising. Sometimes compromise is necessary.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

You might not be feeling like yourself and it’s probably due to all the stress you’re under right now. If you need to retreat into yourself or your cocoon, go ahead. Ask for support too.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

You could be feeling scattered or overwhelmed today. If so, it’s a good time for slowing down and taking smaller bites out of your day. If you don’t have to rush yourself or rush around — don’t.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

You might not always fit in with others and that’s OK. In fact, the more time goes by, the more you’re being pushed to honor what sets you apart from the crowd. The right folks will find you.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

You might be feeling extra moody or touchy today, especially when it comes to people making demands on you or your time. If it’s possible, spend some time alone. You’ll feel better.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Anxiety or excessive worry could throw a wrench into your plans for the day. Instead of trying to work through it by yourself. talk it out with someone that you know you can trust.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Where do you need to scale back a bit in helping or supporting others? Remember, your worth isn’t defined by how much you give or do. The people that love you most understand this.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

You might feel like you have to be on the defensive today in dealing with others but you don’t. The best thing you can do right now relieve yourself of the pressure to make others happy.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Try to exercise some care or discretion before you share your thoughts or opinions on social media or with someone else. Not everything needs to be for public consumption.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

If you’re single and dating, you’re encouraged to do things differently than you have in the past. Don’t settle for something out of a lack of current options. Better is on the way.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Try not to let someone drag you into their petty drama, no matter how hard they might try to push your buttons. You can’t control anyone else’s behavior but you can take responsibility for yours.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

If you’re feeling like your wheels are spinning but you’re not getting very far, take it as a cue to take a break. You can always come back to it later.

Want to learn more? Check out your March 2022 monthly horoscope.