These 2 Zodiac Signs Will Be Least Affected By May's Full Flower Moon
Trust that the universe is whipping up something magical for you later on.

Full moons tend to be the most viscerally powerful phase in the lunar cycle, and this month’s big lunation is no exception. May’s full moon peaks on May 23, and it’s sparking up everyone’s taste for adventure and desire for truth. It’s also happening right alongside some of the year’s most significant astrological alignments, which only amplifies the energy of this important cosmic moment. For some zodiac signs, this full moon and the adjacent planetary activity could wind up being one of the most impactful cosmic moments of the season. But for others, its effects may manifest a little more subtly.
Also known as the annual Flower Moon, May’s full moon takes place in free-spirited Sagittarius — and as it peaks, it’ll be facing off with the sun in quick-thinking Gemini. The Gemini-Sagittarius axis of the zodiac is of the mutable modality in astrology, and the tension between the luminaries in these two signs can inspire all zodiac signs to find their inner compass, calibrate it to true north, and then set off on some exciting new journeys. This is a time to embrace growth and be willing to push the limits of your comfort zone, so challenge your belief system and allow yourself to look at your current trajectory with fresh eyes. What adjustments might you make after assessing your plans from a different perspective?
Alongside the full moon is also a special once-a-year conjunction between romantic planet Venus and lucky planet Jupiter, and that’s taking place in the sensual realm of fixed earth sign Taurus. This aspect can open new doors of opportunity for all zodiac signs when it comes to love, relationships, and pleasure. Take advantage of this lush manifestation moment and trust that the universe is whipping up something magical for you.
There’s a lot of planetary activity going down in the realms of the mutable and fixed signs during this lunation, but the cosmic roads look a bit clearer for the cardinal signs of the zodiac — especially Libras and Capricorns. But don’t worry if you’re one of the zodiac signs least affected by May’s full moon, as you’ll still have plenty of astral magic to work with come May 23.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
The May full moon is rising in your communication sector, making it a fabulous time to connect with people who may be able to act as a mentor or simply offer a broader perspective on something you’ve been thinking about. It’s also a helpful vibe for finally pulling away from folks in your everyday life who may act negative and pessimistic about your higher aspirations — because no one needs any unnecessary hater energy in their life. Either way, you’re not likely to experience any major shake-ups or shocks from this lunation, so simply keeping an open mind and speaking your truth will serve you just fine.
Romantic Venus is in a gorgeous alignment with abundant Jupiter at the same time as the full moon, which certainly marks an auspicious moment for manifestation and good luck — especially for a Venus-ruled zodiac sign like you. But because this conjunction will be activating your deep and private eighth house, you may be feeling those effects more internally, so it’ll be helpful to turn your focus inward and listen closely to your intuition.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
While full moons can often be buzzy and energizing periods, May’s big lunation might actually have the opposite effect on you this time around. That’s because it’s peaking in your sleepy and restoration-focused twelfth house, prompting a time of personal introspection and spiritual growth.
Although Sagittarius's energy is outgoing and happy-go-lucky, you may feel more inclined to spend some extra time alone with your thoughts during this full moon. It’s a good time to tune into whatever spiritual downloads or intuitive hits you might be receiving, and jotting down your dreams could potentially reveal some helpful and self-reflective insights, too.
This full moon is powerful, but it’ll feel a little more subtle in your case. However, you may find that a burst of inspiration pulls you out of your lunar haze, as a breakthrough around a passion project or a sweet romantic prospect could manifest out of thin air. Keep your heart open and rest up so you can jump onto any special opportunities as they come.