While some zodiac signs will only kiss and cuddle behind closed doors, others are 100% OK with enjoying full-on makeout sessions in broad daylight. The zodiac signs who love PDA are into the cutesy stuff, like hand-holding and hugs, but they are also quick to turn a booth in a restaurant into their own private — or not-so-private — room.
PDA, or public displays of affection, is when you kiss, hug, and hold hands with your partner for all to see. For some zodiac signs, PDA is a natural reaction to being in love. This is especially true for Venus-ruled signs who live for all things romantic. To them, it makes sense to snuggle up on their sweetie when they’re walking down the sidewalk. If they’re caught by the Kiss Cam at a sporting event, they’ll never stop talking about it.
For other zodiac signs, their PDA habit stems from their lusty, sexy take on relationships. They’re often so locked into their love life that they forget they’re in a room full of strangers. Their main focus is on getting a smooch or rubbing their partner’s shoulders, and they’ll lean in and do it without a second thought. For more fiery signs, PDA might even be a sexy way to mark their territory. Nothing says “they’re mine” quite like a public peck.
If you spot someone making out in public, chances are it’s one of these three zodiac signs who love PDA the most.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
If a Leo feels the urge to kiss their partner, they’re going to do it. While other signs might be more discreet or hold back until they’re in the privacy of their own home, Leos never think about who might be watching or who might clutch their pearls in response.
This fire sign is ruled by the sun, so they brazenly march through life with an endless supply of confidence. If anyone were to have a problem with their PDA, they’d shut them down, stand their ground, and defend their right to smooch on the sidewalk.
Leos also love to show affection. They’re warm and friendly, so it doesn’t take much for their feelings to bubble over. This sign likes to express themselves, too, and that means they’re quick to hug their friends, squeeze their parents — and kiss their partners right on the lips.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
A Libra will unabashedly engage in a raunchy makeout sesh in the middle of a crowded restaurant, but they’re also happy to demurely hold hands with their partner as they walk down the street. As a sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love, they’re into any form of PDA.
When a Libra is in a long-term relationship they’ll act like they met their partner just weeks before. They’ll want to sit next to them, instead of across from them, in the restaurant, and they’ll giddily hang on their arm or kiss their neck — even when others are looking. If they want to sexily feed their partner a french fry or a fork full of pasta, they’ll do that, too.
Single Libras also engage in a lot of PDA. When they’re on a date they’ll reach across the table, hold their Hinge match’s hand, or give them lingering touches on the shoulder or knee. They might even have their first kiss right at the bar. When this air sign is feeling the love, they can’t stop themself from being physical and flirty.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
As a sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance, Sagittarians are always going to jump into life with both feet. When out with their partner, you can bet they’re going to enjoy every single second of their time together. They’ll want to hold hands, lock arms, lovingly pat their lover on the butt, and lean in to plant plenty of kisses.
No time is a bad time for PDA when you’re a Sagittarius. They like to hug and kiss when they’re waiting in line for coffee, watching a movie, walking to their table in a restaurant, and even when they’re sitting on the couch in front of their in-laws. Their cutesy moments might make others squirm, but a Sag won’t notice or care.
Sagittarius is a fire sign, and that means they can be impulsive. This sign likes to go with their gut, so if the mood strikes to engage in a little PDA, they’ll act first and think about it later. (Or not.)