
Here’s Your Horoscope For Today: October 1, 2021

It's time to address things you've been putting off.

by Mecca Woods
Your horoscope for October 1, 2021.
Getty Images/ Juan Algar

In this daily horoscope for October 1, Bustle’s resident astrologer Mecca Woods, founder of My Life Created, shares the astrological events happening today that will affect every zodiac sign. Below, here’s a look at how astrology will affect our lives today.

Although the moon is in warm and playful Leo, there’s an intensity in the air today. That’s because assertive Mars in cooperative Libra opposes wounded Chiron in Aries in the early morning, making us touchier than usual. Meanwhile, Mercury in cooperative Libra (which is currently retrograde) faces off with power-hungry Pluto in Capricorn by mid-morning. As a result, there could be nasty words or sentiments exchanged or an airing out of a dirty secret.

That said, these Mars-Chiron and Mercury-Pluto aspects can help us get down to the bottom of an ongoing problem or addressing something that we’ve been avoiding. With the moon in Leo, courage and authenticity are called for now. Come the second half of the day, the intensity decreases a bit as the Leo moon teams up with the sun and Mars in Libra, making for some good vibes to help kick off the weekend. By late tonight, when the Leo moon squares off with unconventional Uranus in Taurus, we should expect inspiration or excitement to strike.

Read below to see what the stars mean for your zodiac sign today, and make sure to check out your October 2021 monthly horoscope.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21-April 19)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Try not to take things that other people say or do too personally. Oftentimes, other people’s behavior isn’t about you but more of a reflection of them. Spend time with folks you enjoy.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Be mindful of being all work and no play today. You don’t have to be a hero — it’s often a thankless job anyway. Take some time out to do something that’s just for you.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

There’s something that you want right now, but you’ll need to exercise more patience in getting it. Try to see the delay as necessary for clarity about your deepest desires.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Be mindful of holding back what you need to say out of fear or people-pleasing. People respect you more when honor your truth instead of sugarcoating it. Honor your values.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

It might feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle in trying to get things done today. Where can you stand to go a little easier on yourself? It’s OK to drop a few things from your to-do list.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

You might be having some anxiety about a plan panning out the way you want it, especially when it comes to your money. It will, you just need to be patient. Follow-up if you need to.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Try not to beat yourself up too much if you’re not where you want to be, and don’t compare your progress to anyone else’s. You’re in your own lane for a reason. Be proud.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

You don’t have to go barreling forward with a plan or decision today, namely if it is related to your career or an important goal. For now, take your time and gather facts. The answer will come.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Sometimes the cheerleader needs someone else to cheer them up. Keep this in mind if you’re not feeling like your usual happy-go-lucky self. Let others bring the laughter to you.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

Don’t let past mistakes or disappointments haunt you today. Whatever has happened before doesn’t have to have any bearing on where you are now. Stand tall in who you are.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

It’s OK to admit when you don’t know something. Doing so doesn’t make you any less smart or capable. In fact, being open to learning or being guided by others is the mark of a true genius.

If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Margaret Flatley/Bustle

You may need to take a hard look at your finances and review how you can reduce expenses. That said, know that your bank account doesn’t define your character or worth.