How The June 2022 Full Strawberry Moon Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
A lust for life.

The season of spring is coming to an end, but we’ve still got one more big lunar moment to celebrate before the hot girl summer antics can officially begin. Rising during the wee hours of the morning on June 14, the June 2022 full moon is here to light up our sense of excitement as we prepare for a new adventure. Also known traditionally as the Strawberry Moon, this sweet and juicy lunation is ripe with possibility — and it happens to be a supermoon, making it appear even bigger than the average full moon. You’ll definitely want to know how June’s full moon will affect your zodiac sign.
At the time of this lunation, we’ll be in the final week of bubbly and busy-bodied Gemini season, which enhances our social lives and engages us with our surroundings. However, the full moon will be in fiery and free-spirited Sagittarius — Gemini’s opposite sign — which asks us to expand our horizons and think bigger. This Sagittarius zodiac energy inspires us to think optimistically and reach for the stars, and a supportive lunar connection to pragmatic planet Saturn adds some sensibilities to our full moon intentions. Right now, anything is possible, so shoot for the moon. However, a square-off between the full moon and hazy planet Neptune could slightly cloud our judgment and make it hard to fully grasp all the details of our reality — so trust that whatever comes to a head now will likely play out in a way that surprises you.
Ready to take a bite out of the Strawberry Moon and taste its magic? Read on for all the details on how the June 2022 full moon will affect your zodiac sign.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aries (March 21 - April 19)
It’s time to embrace a higher-minded journey and start pursuing some spiritual growth experiences, Aries. Don’t be afraid to walk down a different path — whether that means connecting with a mentor, booking a trip to a foreign place, or honoring a new interest that’s been sparking your creativity. Going on a new adventure could bring forth opportunities you never realized were possible, so keep an open mind.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Tending to your tangible responsibilities comes easily to you, Taurus — but this full moon is shifting your focus onto your energetic bonds. You may find that promises you’ve made or debts you’ve yet to pay people start bubbling up, forcing you to address things head-on. It may not be easy to have these sensitive conversations, but you’ll feel so much lighter once you manage these invisible forces and free yourself of the burdens.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
It may be time to try something new in your partnerships, Gemini. Our comfort zones exist for a reason, but if we get so stuck in our ways that we’re not open to shifting dynamics and growing into new things, then relationships can get stagnant. Let go of any rigidity and embrace your go-with-the-flow nature. Your interpersonal connections will flourish when you give them more room to evolve.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Productivity check! This month has been a quiet time of introspection and inner growth, Cancer — and that’s good, as it’s giving you time to rest before your upcoming birthday season! But this full moon is asking you to snap out of the haze for a moment and make sure you’re managing your day-to-day tasks. True self-care means finding a healthy balance between your spiritual explorations and your daily work routine, so find a way to prioritize both.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Something steamy might be on the horizon for you, Leo, as this full moon is lighting up the most romantic sector of your chart. Look out for a hot date invite or an exciting turning point within a current affair. Either way, the influx of excitement in your love life will boost your mood and bring lots of opportunities for fun and inspiration — and this effervescence will light up other parts of your life, too.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
This full moon wants you to step back from work for a moment and make sure you’re tending to the close-to-home matters that need your attention. Whether it’s lingering roommate drama, family-related needs, or just deep-seated emotional issues that are suddenly coming to the surface, there are important things that shouldn’t be shoved to the wayside now. Give yourself time to slow down and listen to your heart.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
The exciting and outgoing vibe of this lunation is lighting up your social side, Libra, so take some time to connect with friends, family, and colleagues. However, be wary of getting caught up in any gossip-fueled full moon drama. Innocent commentary could easily be misperceived as criticism, so be wary of the words you choose and take other people’s chatter with a grain of salt to avoid generating any silly rumors.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
This full moon is serving up an exciting turning point when it comes to money, Scorpio, so get ready to take charge of your financial situation in a new way. It’s possible that you’ll be getting a raise, embracing a shift in your career, or even running into an unforeseen expense that requires you to make a budget. However it manifests, trust that the changes will bring you an advantage in the end. There’s a silver lining of every storm cloud.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
This is your full moon, Sagittarius, and now’s your time to shine. You’ve been ultra focused on your relationship dynamics for the past few weeks, but this lunation is a reminder that the most important relationship you have is with yourself. Spend some time getting to know your own reflection — you’re constantly changing and growing, so honor the person you’ve become. When you fully accept yourself, it’ll be easier to show up authentically in relationships, too.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
This full moon is certainly high-energy, but it’s hitting you in a more subtle and spiritual way this time around, Capricorn. This is an important period for getting in touch with your subconscious desires and connecting with your higher self — so doing a witchy moon ritual or a healing crystal meditation session can help you tap into that ethereal energy and honor these parts of your soul.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Full moons are sometimes known for bringing drama, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself having to mediate some disagreements among friends, Aquarius. Group dynamics could be strained by big personalities and hot-headed opinions, so use your people skills to smooth over the rough edges and help your crew see eye-to-eye. You have the power to rise above the squabbles and inspires others to focus on the big picture.
If Your Zodiac Sign Is Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Things are heating up in your career life right now, Pisces, so be ready to open your heart to new opportunities. Whether it’s time to let go of a current gig and start something new, or you’re simply ready to ask for more responsibility at a current job, now’s a time to step up and trust that you can handle it. You deserve to make a living doing something that feels aligned and true to who you are, so build up your confidence and start pursuing it.
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