
Your Horoscope For The February Full Snow Moon

It’s a mixed bag.

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An astrologer breaks down how the February 24 full moon will affect each zodiac sign.
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The second full moon of 2024, also called the Snow Moon, will get here on Saturday, Feb. 24 at 7:30 a.m. EST, but it will appear full and bright the night before, as well as after its peak later that day.

According to Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual counselor, full moons have a significant impact on our emotions and behavior, and they can also affect each zodiac sign differently based on where they are in the sky.

On Feb. 24, the full moon will be in Virgo, which is known for its analytical and practical nature. Thanks to these strong earth sign vibes, “[the moon] will serve as a beacon, guiding us to hone in on our practical skills, refine our lives, and seek improvement in various aspects,” says Wang. “It’s a time of growth, introspection, and healing.”

As it goes with all full moons, this Snow Moon will also bring with it a sense of culmination, as it completes its month-long journey. “A full moon is the universe’s gentle reminder to reflect, reassess, and grow,” says Wang, so use it as a time to journal, think, and meditate.

Keep reading below for the way the Feb. 24 full moon will affect each zodiac sign, including how to make the most of it.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

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Aries, this full moon will inspire you to organize your life — for real this time. It’s all thanks to the influence of neat and tidy Virgo, which will see you decluttering your space for improved productivity and focus, says Wang.

Instead of shoving things into a junk drawer, as fire signs often want to do, you’ll find yourself cleaning cabinets, vacuuming under the couch, and officially folding all the clothes that have been piling up on your chair.

To further lean into the therapeutic cleaning spree, Wang recommends donating all the items you no longer need.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus, this full moon might kindle a spark of creativity in you,” says Wang, so don’t be surprised if you catch yourself crafting at 2 a.m. If it feels fun, messy, and artistic, go ahead and give it a try — even if you don’t like the final results.

“This will be a period of self-expression and exploration, so learn from it,” he says. “The best ritual for Taurus will be to create new artwork or to start a new creative project to express themselves freely.”

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

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Gemini, this is your moment to stay home and hang out with those close to you, whether it’s roommates, parents, a partner, or your dog.

“The Virgo full moon shines a light on home and family, urging you to nurture these relationships,” says Wang. “This period might also be an ideal time for home improvements, too.”

Spend your evening hanging photos, making repairs, and decorating your space so that it feels extra cozy for the rest of the winter.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer will be on a communication roll during the full moon thanks to Virgo’s analytical energy. According to Wang, when combined with your innate intuition, it will encourage and inspire you express your thoughts more clearly.

It’ll be the perfect evening to mend any tension or misunderstandings in your relationship, and it’ll also be a good time to get back in touch with yourself. Wang suggests setting aside some time to scribble in a journal as a way to let your thoughts out.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

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This full moon period may bring about a heightened sense of financial responsibility for Leo, so why not lean into it?

“Use Virgo’s practicality to examine your monetary habits and make necessary changes,” says Wang. “This might be a perfect time to plan your budget and save for the future.”

To get the cash flowing, move a few dollars into your savings account and set an intention for abundance.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

“As the full moon shines in your sign, Virgo, you may feel a surge of self-awareness,” says Wang. “This period could be a transformative time, providing insights into self-improvement and personal growth.”

To embrace the influx of ideas and information that’s about to come your way, it might feel right to have a meditative moment of reflection. Wang suggests getting up early on the day of the full moon to quietly reflect as you watch the sunrise.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

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Libra, this Virgo full moon might prompt introspection and solitude,” says Wang, so go ahead and lay low with your crystals, tarot cards, and meditative music.

Take a moment while the full moon is bright to check in with yourself. Think about your goals and set a few intentions for the future.

“It’s a period for self-discovery and spiritual growth,” he says. “Use this time to connect with your intuition and dig deep into your subconscious.”

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Even though it’s dark and cold outside, you might feel inclined to connect with your social circle — and maybe even leave the house during this full moon. (Getting out is always a big deal for homebody Scorpio.)

“The Virgo full moon stimulates your desire for companionship,” says Wang. “Embrace this sense of community by connecting with your friends for a group activity, such as hiking or shopping.”

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

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Right now the spotlight is on your career, Sagittarius. “The Virgo full moon illuminates your professional growth and ambitions,” says Wang, and that might explain why you’ve been scouring the internet for new opportunities.

“Use this time to reassess your career path and set new goals,” he adds. To perform a full moon ritual, Wang suggests tidying up your work desk to set the mood for new beginnings and even more success.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Capricorn, you may feel an urge to expand your knowledge or embark on a journey,” says Wang, adding that this full moon is set to inspire exploration and learning in your sign.

“This might be an excellent time for educational pursuits or travel,” he says. To make the most of it, try reading a book that you’ve always felt drawn to.

You’ll expand your horizons and start the task of reading through the piles of novels you picked up thanks to BookTok.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

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According to Wang, this full moon will be a period of transformation for you, Aquarius. The focus is on personal and shared resources, so it’ll urge you to reassess what you give and take.

The full moon might even help you strike a better work-life balance. As Wang says, “This time may bring financial or emotional breakthroughs,” so don’t ignore the nagging feeling that you’ve been doing too much, as it might be true.

To incorporate more self-care into your day, take a relaxing shower or a bath with your favorite Epsom salts. As a busy air sign, you deserve the spa-like moment.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

As the full moon takes over the sky on Feb. 24, it’ll shine a light on all things related to your relationships, Pisces.

“The Virgo full moon illuminates your partnership sector, encouraging harmony and mutual understanding,” says Wang. “Use this time to strengthen your bonds with your loved ones.”

To feel closer, plan some cozy activities, like a movie night. Or do nice things that’ll create peace within yourself, like yoga or sound healing, so that you can show up as a good friend and partner.


Letao Wang, astrologist, spiritual counselor

This article was originally published on