The Perfect "Low Energy" Hobby For Each Zodiac Sign
Perfect for a night in.

While a cozy evening in sounds nice in theory, it’s not uncommon to feel bored almost immediately, especially if you’re used to being on-the-go. A comfort TV show might hold your attention for a few minutes, but you’ll likely need another activity to ensure you’re able to fully relax — and that’s where this list comes in.
For some people, feeling cozy at home is as natural as breathing air. They float to their living room with a bowl of popcorn and visions of blankets and pillows dancing in their head, and they never once feel lonely or bored. If you think about this astrologically, a few zodiac signs might immediately come to mind.
For other zodiac signs it can take a lot of work to slow down and get comfortable, especially if they don’t have anything to keep them busy, and that’s why finding the perfect cozy activity is so important. While some signs will be OK with a low-key puzzle or a chill craft project, other’s need something with a little more oomph. Cozy oomph, that is.
Ready to spend a quiet, relaxing evening in? Then keep reading below for the best cozy activity for each zodiac sign. Hopefully it’ll help you enjoy yourself to the fullest.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Get Crafty
As a fire sign you might like the concept of a cozy evening in, but it’ll only be a matter of time before you feel bored and antsy. To practice the art of being low-key, look for a project that’s chill but active. For inspo, think making candles, learning to knit, or painting furniture.
Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, so there’s no need to force yourself to read or knit if that isn’t your jam. You can have an equally relaxing evening as you cover something with paint, and it’ll also help you feel productive.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Make A Snack Plate
Snack plates may be all the rage on TikTok, but have you actually made one yet? If you’re in the mood for a relaxing activity, dig out all your favorite foods and move slowly as you lovingly assemble your very own spread.
Many creators include cheese slices, pickles, dip, chips, olives, and apple slices. The vibe is salty, savory, and a little bit sweet. As a Taurus — an earth sign ruled by pleasure-seeking Venus — you’ll love the process of making a plate. Bonus points if you decorate with edible flowers.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Do A Puzzle
Many people would panic at the sight of 1,000-piece puzzle tossed haphazardly across a table, but this is right up Gemini’s alley. As a Mercury-ruled air sign, your brain is always running a mile a minute which means you’re not afraid of a little mess. You’ll also be comforted by the act of cleaning it up.
Puzzles can easily fill up an entire weekend as you look for a corner or a missing piece of sky, and it’s something you can do alone to soothe frazzled nerves or with a partner as a bonding activity. Any way you slice it, this activity will perfectly fit your ever-changing mood.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Call Your Loved Ones
Snowed in? Spending the weekend alone? Now’s your chance to FaceTime your sister. Since Cancers are very family-oriented, it’ll feel weird if you don’t send at least one text — but an actual call would be even better.
Chat about your week, about the weather, or about your plans for the year while you lie in bed. This will also be a good time to call your parents, old roommates, or a close friend. To make a moment out of it, brew a cup of tea and get extra comfy.
Cancers are water signs ruled by the moon, so you’ll have a lot to share — and quite a few emotions to release. Let it all out.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Play A Game
To tap into your competitive side, challenge your partner, friends, or roommates to a friendly board game. It’ll give you the same thrill as hitting up a bar or going out dancing, all from the comfort and coziness of your couch.
As a fire sign, Leos like to win but they also like to be surrounded by loved ones. That’s their sun sign energy coming through. It’s why you’ll feel right at home with all your besties by your side. To set the mood, light some candles and put on your softest pajamas.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Finish A Crossword
If you’re snowed in on a Sunday — or just looking for something cozy to do — stay in bed and actually finish the big crossword. Scroll through each question and keep pecking away until it’s complete, even if it takes two hours.
Virgos are earth signs, which means you love to feel grounded, present, and secure. They’re also ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, which means you love word play and sorting through complicated puzzles. This cozy activity matches your vibe perfectly, so kick back and enjoy.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Color & Doodle
As a fun-loving air sign ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, it’ll feel right to get out your colored pencils for an evening of doodling. Post up in bed with all your craft supplies or spread out on your coffee table while you watch a comfort TV show in the background.
Libras love to create beautiful things, but you’ll also enjoy how meditative the art of drawing can be. It doesn’t matter if you’re “good” at it or if you like the result. It’ll still help your busy brain feel balanced and focused.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Write Letters
As a Scorpio, you don’t need any convincing to stay in on a Friday night, but if you’d like to do a little something extra with your time, then why not pen a letter to your pal? Find a notecard or an old postcard and take your time with it. Jot down your thoughts, crack a few jokes, and share a few secrets, and then pop it in the mail tomorrow.
As a deep and thoughtful water sign, you’ll appreciate the romance of writing a letter to someone you care about. It’ll also feel very grounding to have the pen in your hand instead of a phone — and you might find yourself opening up more than you would via text. Who knows? This might become your new favorite hobby.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Start A Junk Journal
As an energetic fire sign it’s rare that you have any down time, but if you find yourself craving a night in then combine it with something crafty and you’ll be guaranteed a good time.
One of the best options? The viral junk journal trend. If you have snapshots from recent parties, pics from your travels, or tickets from concerts, grab them all and start taping them in a notebook.
As a Sagittarius, you have an artistic streak as well as a desire to collect ideas and wisdom. It’ll feel nice to see all of your experiences displayed in one spot, and it’ll also be a fun way to keep your hands busy.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Knit & Sew
Capricorns are known for being one of the busiest signs of the zodiac. If you’ve finally decided to settle in for a cozy evening at home, don’t expect yourself to turn off immediately. Ease into your relaxation time by giving yourself a project to peck away at, like knitting or sewing.
As a hardworking earth sign, it’ll feel right to be productive — even when you’re trying to relax — and just as good to create. If you need inspiration to keep going, make something for another person. It’ll be fulfilling to create your very own gift.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Have A Movie Marathon
Pick a director you enjoy, find all of their films, and make it your mission to watch each and every one. As an Aquarius, the rebellious air sign of the zodiac, you’ll appreciate following the work of interesting artists and watching as they evolve their vision and what they had to say. A marathon will also give you something to talk about the next time you see friends. (Why yes, you have seen that movie.)
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Pisces love getting lost in the world of make-believe, so grab a novel and dive in. This sign is ruled by Neptune, the planet of creativity, and it’s also an empathetic water sign, which means Pisces feels deeply connected to stories and other people’s experiences.
If anyone can put down their phone and turn off their TV, it’s you. And when you pick up a book, an entire evening can go by in a flash. To get ready for your cozy experience, stop by your library for a new novel and then your corner store for an array of snacks to make a whole night out of it.