
Your Summer Love Horoscope

Find out if a full-on romance or steamy situationship is coming your way.

by Carolyn Steber
A love horoscope for each zodiac sign for summer 2024.
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When you have June, July, August, and sunny September stretching out before you, it feels like anything’s possible, especially in the love department. The summer is prime time for flirtations, flings, steamy situationships, and full-on romances, and each zodiac sign will experience them all in their own, unique way.

Your summer love horoscope breaks down not only the planetary movements and how they’ll impact your sign, but also the mood as you dance at rooftop parties, meet up with Hinges matches, or set out on vacation with your long-term partner. Use this astrological knowledge to help you feel bold and confident as you approach your love life this summer.

Astrologer Stina Garbis says romantic Venus will appear for several zodiac signs in the hot months ahead. This is a good thing if you’re hoping to fall in love or craving a spicy hookup or two. Sexy Mars will also be spinning through several charts, she says, and it could inspire you to take a few more chances. Have you ever given someone your number or slid into their DMs? If not, summer 2024 could see you feeling bolder than usual, and it could pay off big time in the long run.

Read on for a summer love horoscope for your zodiac sign, according to astrologers.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries, this summer is all about letting your hair down and having fun. According to Garbis, Mercury will move into Leo in your 5th house of play on July 2, leading you to feel even more outgoing and charismatic than usual. This is when you’ll text your group chat and demand a feral girl summer full of parties and exciting vacations — or at least a few road trips. While you might not meet the love of your life this season, all your adventures will attract some fun flings.

If you’re single, Wang says this will be a summer to remember, and the same is true if you’re already in a relationship. July’s steamy heat will reignite a fiery spark that makes it feel like you and your partner just met.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

After months of upheaval, Taurus, you’ll finally find your footing in your love life. “Singles might find a solid and dependable partner who complements their grounded nature,” says Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual counselor. This will be the person who picnics with you in the park — and the one who’s more than willing to stay inside when it gets too hot.

The start of summer will see confident Mars transitioning into your first house of self, which could inspire you to make the first move, should you spot someone you like. The universe wants you to be bold, says Wang, so why not ask for their number or send a DM?

Meanwhile, “existing relationships will flourish with increased stability and affection throughout the summer,” he says. “Luxury dates and cozy nights in will strengthen bonds and create lasting memories.”

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini, this will be the summer that you can’t stop thinking about your work crush, and it might even lead to a romance — despite your better judgment.

“You might not be able to help falling in love when you realize they understand you and your sense of humor,” says Garbis. That is, after all, the key to your heart.

This fling could be fun for a while, but Garbis notes there could be a few misunderstandings in August as loving Venus moves into Virgo while mischievous Mercury goes retrograde on August 5.

“One thing may lead to another, and you could have a spicy drama,” she says. “Keep your friends close because you’ll need them for moral support.”

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer, emotions run deep this summer, bringing opportunities for soulful connections,” says Wang. There might come a night when you’re holding hands with your SO and suddenly realize you’re both in it for the long haul. You’ll spend more time together than ever before, and you’ll finally breathe a sigh of relief as you realize things are going well.

Meanwhile, single Cancers will feel a burst of energy to go out and mingle. This could lead to a potential long-term relationship, says Wang, but you’d also be open to some short-term hookups. Garbis recommends keeping a fun attitude as you chat with new people, instead of getting too serious too soon.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

“Instead of romance, there is a strong energy coming into your friendship circle this summer,” says Wang. “If you’re looking for romantic love, perhaps the best thing to do is to build a strong friendship with a solid foundation of trust first.”

As you prioritize your pals, you’ll naturally form connections with others — and just like that you’ll expand your horizons and meet a few potential love interests. The middle of summer could see your priorities shifting, says Wang, as you gain a deeper understanding of what you want in a partner.

For Leos in a relationship, this could be the summer that you realize your long-term partner isn’t going to cut it. Don’t put off the breakup as that’ll only make it more difficult for you in the long run. Once you sever ties, lean back on those friends to help you regain your footing.

If you can, finish your breakup before July 22 when the sun moves into your sign, says Garbis. Since the sun is your ruling planet, it’ll help you shine extra bright — and it’ll remind you of your self-worth.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

Virgo, keep an eye out around August 4 when romantic Venus moves into your sign. This is when you’ll suddenly be in the mood to find love, perhaps after a couple of months of lying low and doing your own thing.

The very next day, your ruling planet will dance backward and go retrograde until August 28, says Garbis, and it could immediately throw your new romance into turmoil. Try your best to communicate clearly via text and in person.

If you’re booed up already, this summer will see you rehashing old wounds with your partner, says Wang. Take the time to talk through misunderstandings that keep bubbling up. If you’re still together come fall, you’ll be on much firmer ground.

For all Virgos, Wang says this season will also be the perfect time to cut mental ties with an ex. “If you’re still entangled, this summer is the time for you to really remove the negative influence from the past and move forward with new adventures.”

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

“A long-distance affair may be in order as lucky Jupiter is in Gemini in your 9th house of travel during these summer months,” says Garbis. You might meet someone on vacation or while visiting your hometown, so look out for opportunities.

That said, unlikely lovers could also spring up in your city seemingly out of nowhere. You might meet someone when grabbing a coffee or reading a book in the park, especially around August 29 when the love goddess, Venus, moves into your sign.

It won’t matter if bae is near or far, says Garbis, since all Libras have the gift of the gab — and a willingness to FaceTime and send a million texts. “If the time is right, things could move to the next level when summer ends,” she says.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Single Scorpios will be entering an era where you officially feel ready for a relationship, but you definitely won’t settle for just anyone. “Don’t be afraid to throw a fish back into the sea,” says Garbis. There’s no point in wasting your time with a bad match, especially since you’ve grown to enjoy your own company.

Towards the end of summer, around September 4, she says you might find yourself talking to a long-term friend — and just like that, you’ll realize you’ve had feelings for each other all along. The seeds of this budding romance could be planted in June or July, so make an effort to be as social as possible.

Meanwhile, “For those already in stable relationships, expect a deepening of intimacy and a rekindling of passion that brings you even closer to your partner,” says Wang. This could be the summer that you realize you’ve found the real deal.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

“Summer may not be the time for you to get serious with anyone,” says Garbis. “You’ll be more up for frolicking and romping around town and experiencing life, instead of trying to date.” So don’t put pressure on yourself to find love, especially if it feels like a chore.

Some Sagittarians may pine for an ex mid-summer, possibly when you look around and realize that all your besties have a partner, but don’t let one tiny moment of envy or boredom convince you it’s a good idea to reach out to them. Instead, appreciate what you’ve got going on as a single person and see where the wind takes you.

If you do happen to be in a relationship, Wang recommends boosting your love and romance by looking for ways to bond as a couple — for one, saying yes to a few wedding invites could prove how close you are. Plus, you’ll get to spend a night drinking and dancing.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Capricorn, your love life is set to feel more stable than ever since summer. According to Wang, you’ll experience a strengthening bond with your partner as you talk about shared goals for the future. Have fun as you chat about moving in together this fall or finally meeting each other’s families.

If you’re single, there’s a good chance you’ll score big-time on a dating app. Keep swiping and reaching out and you just might unearth the partner you’ve been looking for.

“It could be a case of opposites attract,” says Garbis, especially since more emotional people are drawn to your stable personality. But this could be a good thing, as it’ll help you open up more and strike a better balance.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

This is the summer of love for Aquarius. “Jupiter’s transit in Gemini will be in your 5th house of love affairs, entertainment, and dating,” says Wang, which means you’ll meet lots of new people in unconventional, serendipitous ways.

According to Garbis, you might kick off your summer by playing matchmaker for your friends while you hang onto your single status. Later in the summer that energy will return to you, and suddenly a friend will be pairing you with someone they know. Keep an open mind and say yes to as many invitations, dates, and get-togethers as possible.

If you’re in a relationship, Wang says to skip your go-to date night ideas, like dinner and a movie, in favor of trying something new and exciting with your partner. That airy, Gemini energy combined with your free-spirited nature will make for some good times.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

So many Pisces are coming out of long-term relationships right now, says Wang, while others are worrying they’ll never meet The One. It could mean the start of summer will seem sad and solemn as you continue to heal and recover, but rest assured better vibes are on the way.

As you get back out there, don’t let the past — or whatever your ex might have said — dim your light or convince you that you need to change. Embrace your dreamy, emotional nature and you’ll eventually meet someone who understands and appreciates your depth.

For the Pisces in relationships, Wang says summer 2024 will be a great time to nurture your bond with grand romantic gestures like cute date nights and deep conversations under the stars. Be extra mushy with each other for a truly magical season of love.


Stina Garbis, astrologer

Letao Wang, astrologer and spiritual counselor