
The 3 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Be Your Soulmate, Based On Your Sign

Soulmates aren't always romantic partners.

by Kristine Fellizar
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The 3 zodiac signs most likely to be your soulmate.
Vasil Dimitrov/E+/Getty Images

Looking for your soulmate is no easy thing, but you don't have to wait until the stars are perfectly aligned to find the one for you. With the help of astrology, you can have an idea of who's a good match for you or not based on your birthday. It's no secret that some zodiac signs go well together, while others don't. And when you know which zodiac signs are most compatible with yours, you may be able to tell which zodiac signs are most likely your soulmate.

"A soulmate is a person with whom you have a deep soul connection with," astrologer Rachel Lang, tells Bustle. "You can feel as if you have a soul contract to meet and be in some kind of relationship because the connection feels fated or destined."

If you're lucky, your soulmate will be the person you end up with. But it's also important to note that soulmates don't necessarily have to be romantic. While we tend to feel the strongest pull towards romantic connections, Lang says your closest friend, a family member, or a mentor can also be a soulmate.

"Each person is unique, and so there is no one template when it comes to love," Lang says. "It’s important to be open, as our soulmates are often the people with whom we are here to stretch, grow, and do our spiritual work." So you may be surprised to find that your soulmate may not be a zodiac sign that you're not usually compatible with. These may not be the easiest relationships, but they'll still make for great matches because they help you grow.

If you're interested to find out who your zodiac soulmate might be, here are three zodiac signs most likely to be your soulmate.

1Aries (March 21 — April 19): Leo, Sagittarius, And Libra

As an Aries, you're known for your passion and your drive. "When Aries makes up their mind to do something, they're unstoppable," Lang says. You tend to gravitates towards partners who'll allow them to keep their sense of independence within a relationship. So your zodiac matches have to respect your need for freedom. That's why your fellow Fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius, make perfect partners for you.

According to astrologer Clarisse Monahan, Aries and Leo make a good match because they’re both very straightforward and won’t wait to get their relationship off the ground. “This is not a duo who play games with each other, both thriving on directness,” Monahan previously told Bustle.

Aries and Sagittarius work really well together because they’re both adventurous signs. As Leslie Hale, an astrologer with, previously told Bustle, “They will feel like they’re home when they’re together.”

Your opposite sign Libra also has soulmate potential, as they'll help you stay balanced in times of stress. "Independent Aries may need to consider others’ needs sometimes, too," Lang says. "This is where Libra can help."

2Taurus (April 20 — May 20): Capricorn, Pisces, And Scorpio

As an Earth sign, Taurus craves practical, stable connections. Because of that, Lang says you may find that another Earth sign like Capricorn makes for a great match, because you both value material and emotional security in your relationships. Taurus and Capricorn are two signs who have what it takes to be the ultimate power couple.

Dreamy Pisces may not seem like a good match for your grounded energy, but this is one sign you may fall in love with at first sight. According to Lang, they can help you tap into the more creative and spiritual aspects of yourself. Pisces will also give you the affection you crave in relationships. It's a "soulmate connection" that can help you balance the practical with the spiritual.

Finally, there's Scorpio. "I find that these two can make lasting connections," Lang says. "They both stay committed because of the fixed nature of their signs, and they challenge one another enough to grow." Taurus and Scorpio are also opposite signs in the zodiac wheel, so there’s already a natural draw towards each other.

3Gemini (May 21 — June 20): Libra, Aquarius, And Aries

Geminis need a partner who can keep up with their sharp wit. Air signs tend to be more conversational and lead with their intellect, which is why you may be attracted to the other Air signs, Libra and Aquarius.

Libra and Gemini are two of the most charming and sociable signs in the zodiac and will find themselves drawn towards each other immediately. According to Lang, Libra can be grounding for you since they tend to be partnership-oriented.

While Aquarius tend to move slower than you and may test your patience, you have similar needs in a relationship to make things work. Gemini and Aquarius will have a lot of fascinating conversations and will be attracted to each other’s intellect. For two air signs, that’s really important for sexual attraction.

"Because Gemini also needs a certain level of freedom in relationships, they may appreciate the independence of an Aries," Lang says. An Aries may come in and sweep you off your feet with talks of adventure and trying new things. You also appreciate confidence, which is a total Aries trait.

4Cancer (June 21 — July 22): Scorpio, Taurus, And Capricorn

Cancer will only invest in a relationship if it promises emotional security, because they love deep and wholeheartedly. For you, intense Scorpio makes a great zodiac match because they approach relationships with the same level of caution that you do. "Scorpios resist being vulnerable and will test out the relationship before they give their trust," Lang says. "But when these soulmates work through their fears and resistances, they can have a sacred, deep, and beautiful relationship."

Taurus can also offer you the sense of stability that you crave. According to Lang, you two will bring out the best in each other. You love to nurture, while Taurus loves to be doted on. You love making home-cooked meals, and Taurus love to eat. Plus, you're both total homebodies, so you'll enjoy a lot of lazy nights at home.

Finally there's your opposite sign, Capricorn. "Opposites can attract, especially when they work as a team in a balanced partnership," Lang says. Since you two are both very goal-oriented, this pairing can make for quite a powerful couple. Earthy Capricorn will bring stability to the relationship and will always make Cancer feel safe.

5Leo (July 23 — August 22): Aries, Sagittarius, And Libra

Leos are not only passionate, but they generally lead with their heart. Since you're ruled by the Sun, which is about the ego and your sense of self, you tend to have a lot of confidence and like having the spotlight on you. It can be a little intimidating for some, but Aries has the type of confidence, charisma, and drive to pursue you. They'll appeal to your romantic and passionate side as well, especially in the beginning.

Sagittarius is also a great match because they're active and full of adventure. When you're with a Sag, you'll never get bored. According to Lang, you two are likely to have an instant connection and you'll also feel an immediate sense of compatibility. Leo and Sagittarius also make a great match because they love being surrounded by friends and family, and will always throw the best parties.

Then there's Libra, who is charming and full of social grace. "Ruled by Venus, they tend to care about their appearance and have their own sense of style," Lang says. "Leo may be instantly attracted to Libra for this reason." When it comes to relationships, both you and Libra value commitment. So it makes for a good match long-term.

6Virgo (August 23 — September 22): Taurus, Pisces, And Capricorn

Virgo can be highly analytical, and tends to attract soulmates who can help them stay grounded and worry-free. Taurus has a stable and balanced approach to life. Because of this, you two complement each other really well. "Both are drawn to relationships that are practical and make sense," Lang says. "They tend not to take too many risks with their hearts, and so they move into relationships carefully." While this may be too slow for some signs, it works perfectly for these two. Once they’ve fully committed to each other, they tend to be in it for life.

You may have a lot of success with Capricorn. Since you're also an Earth sign, you may appreciate Capricorn's ambition and desire for structure. You're notorious for being a little critical, which is no problem for Cap, as they appreciate receiving feedback so they can work on improving themselves. As astrologer Jill Loftis of Nuit Astrology, previously told Bustle, “These are two signs that can find many natural connections and easy rapport with each other, particularly in a work environment. That quiet strength and natural efficiency that each of them value will be hard to miss, and could lead to a romantic connection if both are looking for love.”

Pisces is a sign that you may feel an immediate connection with. They're your opposite sign, so the physical attraction will be really strong. Both Virgo and Pisces are relationship-oriented signs, and Pisces will help to bring out the more romantic side of you.

7Libra (September 23 — October 22): Aquarius, Gemini, And Sagittarius

Libra is the sign associated with partnership and connection, but will also need a good balance of independence within a relationship. "As an air sign, Libra is curious and enjoys learning new things or experiencing new places," Lang says. Because of this, Gemini makes the perfect match for you. You'll enjoy talking and sharing ideas.

Your zodiac sign also goes well with Aquarius. Both Libra and Aquarius have a passion for justice and being involved in the community, so your shared interests will really take your relationship far. There's always going to be something new to talk about.

As astrologer Abigail Nora previously told Bustle, “Libra and Aquarius are both air signs, presiding over all matters of the mind and intellect. This can make for a particularly cerebral match. They might be a slow burn or a slow start in other areas, but mentally and intellectually, these two will click almost immediately.”

Sagittarius also has soulmate potential for you. They tend to keep a positive mindset and try to avoid drama, which is perfect for you since you hate when things are out of balance. As Rowena Winkler, Ph.D., cosmic catalyst coach and astrologer, previously told Bustle, “In a relationship, Libras can help Sagittarius slow down and be a bit more analytical, whereas Sagittarius can help Libras be a bit more spontaneous.”

8 Scorpio (October 23 — November 21): Cancer, Capricorn, And Taurus

Scorpio has a keen intuition and the ability to sense a soulmate connection. "They just seem to know," Lang says. "When a Scorpio senses that someone will be important in their lives, they can count on that knowledge." Another Water sign like Cancer makes for a great match because you both need to feel emotionally secure in your relationships. You won't jump in too quickly until you both feel safe.

Capricorn also makes for a solid partner because they're very grounded and stable. As astrologer Lisa Kiss previously told Bustle, “They have an immense drive and can focus on their goals to manifest their dreams. Both signs also seek deep security, which can be directly tied to how safe they feel. They have the ability to work together and create safety together.” You may have to be patient with them when it comes to opening up and being vulnerable. But it'll be worth it.

Although Taurus is your opposite sign, Lang says that many Scorpio-Taurus partnerships are successful. "When Taurus makes a commitment, they stay," she says. "Scorpio can count on that, even through challenging times." Plus, you're both very sensual signs, so the sex is bound to be fantastic.

9Sagittarius (November 22 — December 21): Leo, Aries, And Libra

Sagittarius loves their independence, but they can also be quite generous in relationships. "They tend to see the positive in others and generally believe that things are going to work out," Lang says. "Therefore, they can be tenacious in pursuing a partner. Yet, they tend to be slow to make a commitment." You're attracted to people who are fearless. Because of that, Aries makes for your perfect match.

Your other fellow fire sign, Leo will make for a fun partner who can also give you the stability you need. They're very creative, sociable, and have a great sense of humor. You two will never get bored when you're together. As Lang previously told Bustle, “Two fire signs together are a force. There’s a natural flow with Sagittarius and Leo that makes this an easy relationship and one that’s compatible.”

Libra also works really well for you because you both need some sense of independence within a relationship. As astrologer Jacq Dowling previously told Bustle, “This is not a boring couple. Libras are flirtatious by nature, and Sagittarius loves to laugh and keep others entertained. These two can find and discover all of the beauty of life together.”

10Capricorn (December 22 — January 19): Virgo, Taurus, And Cancer

Capricorn tends to focus on building their professional and social image. They're very ambitious and attract partners who have that same drive. According to Lang, you may be immediately attracted to Cancer. "Cancer and Capricorn may support one another in fulfilling their dreams, as both like to reach for their goals," she says. "Both can be outgoing, especially if they feel purposeful in forming new connections (like networking)."

Your fellow Earth signs, Virgo and Taurus, also make for good matches because they have a practical approach to life like you do. They're both grounded and take a slow and steady approach to relationships, which you'll appreciate.

“Due to the earth signs’ structured nature, Capricorn and Taurus will quickly bond and nurture an intellectually-stimulating relationship,” astrologer Simone Pinkhasova previously told Bustle. “However, tapping into deeper emotions may take a while as both signs tend to be more reserved when expressing and talking about their feelings.” Once trust is established, this pairing can last a lifetime.

Capricorn and Virgo also work really well because they have very similar ways of thinking. They set high standards for themselves and the people they associate with. They’re very goal-oriented and are always looking towards the future. Both signs are also problem-solvers. If there are issues in the relationship, they’ll talk it out as soon as possible.

11Aquarius (January 20 — February 18): Libra, Gemini, And Sagittarius

Intellectual and curious Aquarius loves good conversations. Because of that, Air signs Libra and Gemini make great zodiac matches for you. When it comes to you and Libra, you'll be easily drawn in by their charm. Both Aquarius and Libra need intellectual stimulation and open communication in their relationships, so you’ll have no problem there. Sexually, you two make a good match as well and will have a lot of fun with dirty talk and sexting.

With Gemini, you’ll be able to have a lot of non-stop conversations. Gemini and Aquarius have a lot in common: You both love being around friends, you love learning about new things, and you’re both very communicative. All the air signs tend to be pretty independent as well. So a Gemini or Libra partner will respect your need for space in a relationship without making it a big deal.

Sagittarius will also pique your interest. "Both are community-minded and enjoy an active social life together," Lang says. "Aquarius may be instantly attracted to Sagittarius because they can seem confident and independent, traits Aquarius appreciates."

12Pisces (February 19 — March 20): Cancer, Taurus, And Capricorn

Pisces can go from being a hopeless romantic to feeling disappointed by others. "As the dreamer and mystic, Pisces seeks a soul connection with another," Lang says. "With that said, they often need a partner who is grounded and practical." So Taurus can be the romantic partner of your dreams. They're the right combination of practical and romantic, which makes them the perfect match for you.

Capricorns aren't known for being romantic, but you're often attracted to them because you like bringing out their softer side. "The two balance one another and can have an instant spark that helps them form a solid bond," Lang says.

You're also likely to have an instant connection with Cancer. As Dana DeFranco, astrologer and co-host of the Allegedly Astrology podcast, previously told Bustle, ““In many ways, the Cancer-Pisces relationship is a fairytale romance.” Since you're both Water signs, you're both very in tune with your emotions and will be very considerate of each other's feelings. You'll get the sense that you just understand each other.


Rachel Lang, astrologer

Clarisse Monahan, astrologer

Leslie Hale, an astrologer with

Jill Loftis, astrologer with Nuit Astrology

Abigail Nora, astrologer

Rowena Winkler, Ph.D., cosmic catalyst coach and astrologer

Lisa Kiss, astrologer

Jacq Dowling, astrologer

Simone Pinkhasova, astrologer

Dana DeFranco, astrologer and co-host of the Allegedly Astrology podcast

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